How to get rid of double chin by Gua Sha?

How to Clean Gua Sha Tools?

Everyone gets that cleaning your Gua Sha tools is an important part of having them. Cleaning up after a Gua Sha session can be messy, but it doesn’t have to be. We know that you care about the tools you use and want them to stay in good condition for a long time. These tools are important for proper post-treatent care.I have been researching on how to clean tools for several weeks now, but most of the articles I read are not specific enough. If you are looking for information on how to clean Gua Sha tools, this is the article for you.

how to clean and maintain gua sha tools


Gua Sha Therapy is an Asian therapy using either skin scraping or skin brushing to remove stagnation, push blood and qi, and unblock meridians in the body. Most of the time gua sha tools are used to scrape off the top layer of skin. Regular cleaning of the gua sha tools helps users avoid health risks while maximizing the therapeutic potential of gua sha therapy. Disease-causing pathogens can be transferred unknowingly on the surface of gua sha tools if not cleaned regularly.

gua sha for skin

As your skin produces oil, it can build up on the gua sha tools. This is an inevitable occurrence, especially if you use the same set of tools for several clients. If you don’t clean your Gua Sha tool after each use, it can cause several skin problems such as acne, greasiness, breakouts, and more. But this doesn’t mean your tools can’t be cleaned with ordinary soap and water.


gua sha tools cleaning tips

Materials needed:  gentle Soap, a bowl or container of water, a soft damp cloth, toothbrush.

Step 1: Rinse your tools with tap water to get rid of any dead skin or wipe with a soft damp cloth after use.

Step 2: Filled in a small bowl with warm water and a light detergent or gentle soap. Let them soak for a while and wash with water again.

Step 3: Use a toothbrush to ensure that all of the grooves are free from dirt and hair.

Step 4: Rotate the tools in the water to remove soap.

Step 5:Rinse in clean water and allow to air dry naturally after washing on a that they will not become moldy.

That is all that you can clean the tools throughly to retain a smooth surface.


We all know the importance of maintaining the integrity of our professional skin care tools to avoid contaminating our precious facial skin; however, some of us forget to disinfect our tools after each treatment.

With regular use, the tools should be disinfected after each use.

spray gua sha to cleanThere are many microorganisms, both visible and invisible to the eye, which exist on our beauty products to stop disease of the skin,you would like to regularly disinfect your beauty tools, even a Gua Sha

While a daily soap is suitable for cleaning, it can’t do a correct job of disinfecting. If you’re like most of the people and you don’t want to waste plenty of money on high-level disinfectants, you’ll always keep it simple and obtain the work done. Here is how.

Before you let them air dry, spray or wipe some alcohol to disinfect these tools. However,you would like to form bound to let the alcohol evaporate before you let the tool touch the skin.


Maintaining your gua sha tools is also very important. Since our Gua Sha tools are made of rose quart or jade stones. They are fragile. If we drop them accidentally, it may damage the stones.

gua sha tools storage box

Make sure when you want to store your items,  slip carefully the gua sha tools into the pocket of the carry case or in your drawer.But one point that you need to remember keep them dry before storage.Moisture can easily breed bacteria. So it is important that keep your tools as far from bacteria and contamination as possible and storage the product in a dry place.

For regular treatments you can also refrigerate them before each session. Keep gua sha tools in the fridge and use them chilled on your gua sha treatment zone – like a fruit pop on a hot day! Recommended by Chinese doctors and practitioners.

gua sha tools in a fridge

Guasha tools must be kept in a fridge if it is going to be used within the next 24hrs. This helps reduce swelling of the skin and improves blood circulation in the surface, which makes a fine cut. The most common reason a guasha would cause harm on the skin is due to poor circulation on the cut area, so generally one should wait for 30 – 60mins before using it after cutting on an area.

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How to get rid of double chin by Gua Sha?