How to Clean Gua Sha Tools?

A Beginner’s Guide to Gua Sha to Double Chin

Gua Sha is one of the best ways to stimulate the facial tissues, open up blocked pores, increase blood circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, relieve chronic pain, and reduce stress. If you are looking for an effective holistic treatment for specific areas on your face or body as well as anxiety and mood disorders such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), seasonal aggravation of dermatology (SAD), depression and anxiety  then Gua Sha may be the right choice for you.

This guide encompasses a complete beginner’s guide on GuaSha Double Chin. You’ll learn about the GuaSha method, how it helps you get rid of your double chin, how to perform the techniques correctly, at home routines for 6 week program, 6 week meal template with recipes, 6 week workout program with exercises along with my very own one-on-one coaching package.

Beginning from the center of your jawline, move with up developments toward one side of your ear cartilage. Roll it along the jawline and rest of your face.



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How to Clean Gua Sha Tools?