A Beginner's Guide to Gua Sha to Double Chin

gua sha for double chin tutorial

Gua sha is a form of Chinese medicine treatment that uses a rounded, smooth object to apply steady pressure. It’s been used for over 5,000 years to treat ailments from muscle soreness and joint pain to cysts and hemorrhoids. Some studies have shown that gua sha can reduce the size of a swollen lymph node. Today, many use it to battle a double chin.

Learn how to perform gua sha for double chin at home, get rid of fat and double chin. This gua sha tool is designed to reduce the size of double chins, sagging skin and cellulite.

Using a technique known as gua sha, this technique helps to gently stimulate energy in the lower face and jawline thereby strengthening the muscle structure and stimulating blood flow, improving lymphatic drainage. Rock your head back and forth in a rhythmic motion for best results!

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A Beginner's Guide to Gua Sha to Double Chin